Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Week_01- Cry Engine Videos and notes

Folder structure
  • Bin32 and Bin64: are where the game files are stored and you use  64 for a smooth and faster running editor, or the 32 for a more slower processor.
  • Editor is where the files for the editor/ sandbox are stored
  • Engine is where the shaders and other important elements in the real time environment are stored
  • Game is the important fine as this is where the levels, animations, music files, custom materials and the game are stored. Some files can be opened with WinZip and WinRAR
  • Tools contains system files and it is advised that you don't edit anything in here- it also contains files for debugging, troubleshooting and crash dump
User Interface
  • interface is similar to the 3dsmax interface
  • Basic movement with WSAD
  • Right mouse button, looks around
  • middle mouse button, pans
  • right mouse and middle mouse, moves up and down to fly around scene
  • hold down shift to move slightly faster
  • alt and middle mouse button to rotate the screen
  • speed settings of the camera movement are at the bottom, can custom increase speed
  • ctrl f1-f12 sets positions around the scene for quick navigation, and shift f1-f12 loads the screens
  • ctrl G spawns in game
 Customize editor
  • drag and drop windows on top of one aother to compress the windows and use tabs
  • can attach panels to the side of editor
  • rollup bar and console can also be attached to any side of the viewport or in tabs, and can be closed
  • customise keyboard in customise tabs, and can add comment and create own to lbars if you want.
  • click new and make new toolbars- it is empty, and you go into comments and scroll to what you want, then drag and drop onto the toolbar. You can have as many buttons as you want. 
  • screen tips can be enables, and there are comments show what features and what function what button does what, when you hover over with mouse
  • keyboard, you create your own hot keys in the customise tab at the top. You can modify each button to assign different functions.

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